Have you ever tried learning something solely by watching a video? Or listening to an instructor?
Chances are, you have. And you’ve also probably realized that these types of “learning” aren’t very effective. After all, studies have shown when students sit and listen intently but passively in a lecture-style environment, they retain only 20% of the presented information. But when they’re given the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning, that percentage increases to 75%.
That’s why more schools are pulling away from traditional lecture-hall-style classrooms and leaning more towards collaborative environments that support active learning. At Diversified Spaces, many of our products are designed to complement a hands-on learning approach, or what we like to call a think + do = solve learning approach.
What Is a Think + Do = Solve Learning Approach?
A think + do = solve learning approach encompasses both the traditional style of learning and hands-on learning that allows students to “solve” a problem or put something they learned into practice. Let’s break down the think + do = solve to better understand how to incorporate it into a learning environment:
The “think” part of a think + do = solve learning approach speaks towards the traditional way of learning – an instructor-led classroom where students face the front. While this is an important aspect of the think + solve = do learning approach, there are limitations to this learning if nothing follows. As mentioned earlier, students will only retain 20% of the presented information in a lecture-style environment. Plus, another study found that undergraduate students with traditional stand-and-deliver lectures are 1.5 times more likely to fail than students in classes that use more stimulating, so-called active learning methods. That’s why it’s important to follow the “think” part of this learning approach with “do.”
The “do” part of a think + do = solve learning approach involves reinforcing instructor-led learning through active or hands-on learning. This type of learning gets you into an active state where both your brain and body remember what you did. As a result (and as mentioned earlier), students retain 70% of information through hands-on learning, compared to only 20% through lecture-style learning.
Combining “think” (instructor-led learning) and “do” (hands-on learning) allows students to “solve,” or put theory into practice to achieve what they are looking/solving for.
Using the Think + Do = Solve Learning Approach
Believe it or not, many instructors have already put the think + do = solve learning approach into practice. For example, let’s look at an art teacher describing how to paint a tree. Most art instructors will describe the technique first so students can get a better understanding (think). The students will then grab their own canvases and paintbrushes to begin practicing that technique on their own and with their peers (do). As a result, the combined result is a beautiful tree painted using the technique taught by the instructor (solve).
Products that Support A Think + Do = Solve Learning Approach
At Diversified Spaces, we have many products that support a think + do = solve learning approach. One of our most notable products is our Forward Vision™ Workstation. While our Forward Vision™ Workstations have been a science lab staple for years, they can easily be used in all environments. These workstations are designed to allow up to four students to face the instructor for direction and then move to their individual stations to collaborate and experiment together. These units bring flexibility and mobility to a whole new level, while still providing easy access to all the tools and equipment, making it the perfect product to complement a think + do = solve learning approach.
We also have many other products available to help support a think + do = solve learning approach in the classroom. If your learning space needs a little refresh to support this type of learning, we can help. Browse our products now and reach out to an expert today so we can help you find the best products for your space.