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The Latest Technology Trends in Education

Sep 6, 2024 | Blog

Just as new technology is changing how we live and work, it’s also changing how we teach and learn in the classroom.  As schools look at incorporating new technology into their curriculum, they need to stay updated on the latest technology trends to improve the overall learning experience.  Let’s explore three key technology trends currently impacting K-12 education: augmented reality (AR), hydroponics and robotics.

1. Augmented Reality (AR) Learning

Augmented Reality (AR) learning is an exciting tech trend that overlays digital information onto the real world, offering interactive experiences that blend virtual elements with physical surroundings. For example, our AR sandbox is a hands-on exhibit that combines a sandbox with virtual topography. Using a Microsoft Kinect 3D camera, simulation software and a projector, students shape real sand to create topographic models that augment in real time with elevation color maps, contour lines, water and even lava!

Benefits of AR in Education:

  • Boosts Engagement and Motivation: We’ve all been students, and we know how boring reading a textbook or sitting through a traditional lecture can be. That’s why it’s no secret that AR learning improves engagement and motivation! After all, AR has been shown to increase student motivation by 88%. AR brings subjects to life, making learning more fun and engaging.
  • Improved Interactive Learning and Understanding: AR makes it easy for students to visualize concepts in a tangible way by integrating virtual elements into the real world. This helps them grasp complex subjects more effectively. For instance, in history classes, students can use AR to visit historical sites virtually. Or they can interact with 3D models (like our AR Sandbox) to learn about topography, cells or planets. This versatility makes AR a valuable tool across different subjects.

tech trend augmented reality sandbox
2. Hydroponics

What if we told you that growing plants was possible without soil? Well, you can with hydroponics! Hydroponics is a method where plants are cultivated in a nutrient-rich water solution, creating a new and efficient way to garden. Many schools are integrating this latest technology trend with hydroponic growing systems like our Sprout Hydroponic Growing Center. It’s a self-contained system equipped with grow lights, water pumps and adjustable timers, providing an ideal environment for plant growth. Educators can use this system to teach students about plant needs, nutrition, food production and agricultural technology.

Benefits of Hydroponics in Education:

  • Promotes Hands-On Learning: Students gain practical experience growing plants, fostering an understanding of plant biology and environmental science.
  • Incorporates Sustainability Education: Did you know hydroponic systems use as much as ten times less water than soil-based methods? This teaches students about sustainable farming practices, emphasizing the importance of efficient resource use.
  • Fosters Career Exploration: Hydroponics introduces students to potential career paths in agriculture, horticulture, environmental science and sustainable technology.

tech trend sprout hydroponic growing center
3. Robotics

When you hear the word “robotics,” your mind might immediately jump to the futuristic robots from sci-fi movies. Well, robotics learning is so much more than that. This latest technology trend involves teaching students how to design, build, program and operate robots.

Benefits of Robotics in Education:

  • Encourages Creativity and Critical Thinking: When designing and programming robots, creativity and critical thinking are required. Students must think critically and creatively to solve problems, troubleshoot and innovate solutions.
  • Promotes Teamwork and Collaboration: Robotics projects are a great way to teach students how to collaborate effectively with others. Check out our guide on designing a robotics classroom that encourages teamwork.
  • Career Preparation: Robotics is important in preparing students for future careers, particularly in technology, engineering and computer science.

tech trend robotics room rendering
Bringing the Latest Technology Trends to the Classroom

These recent tech trends offer exciting opportunities to enhance student learning, whether through immersive AR experiences, hands-on hydroponic gardens, or innovative robotics projects. If you’re interested in implementing these technologies in your school, we’re here to help! Contact us to explore how we can make these advancements a reality in your classroom.